
What Are Nursing Homes? Understanding What They Are and Who They Serve

The demographic landscape of the United States is rapidly evolving, with a significant portion of the population entering their mature years. Currently, over 1.3 million older adults reside in nursing homes across the nation, a number expected to surge as the population ages. Knowing the ins and outs of nursing homes is more important than […]

How Cardiac Rehab Can Improve Quality of Life

Cardiac rehabilitation encompasses a comprehensive approach, blending exercise, education, counseling, and lifestyle adjustments for individuals recovering from cardiac events or procedures such as heart attacks, heart failure, angioplasty, or heart surgery. This multifaceted program, overseen by a team of medical professionals specializing in cardiac care, aims to optimize recovery and improve overall heart health, offering […]

Understanding the Signs: When is Dementia Care Needed for Your Aging Parents?

As our parents age, they may need more care and attention than they once did. One of the primary concerns that many family members face is the decline of memory and cognitive abilities in their loved ones. When changes in cognitive health become pervasive and interfere with daily life, a conversation about Dementia Care becomes […]

Acute vs Subacute Rehab

Introduction:  Rehabilitation medicine plays a crucial part in improving patients’ functional abilities after incidents like severe injury, disease, or surgery. Understanding the divergence between acute and subacute rehabilitation is key to grasping the comprehensive rehabilitation process. Read on to learn the differences in the level of care between the two.  Acute Rehabilitation:  Acute rehab steps […]

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